About Us

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Arts Habitat leads in advocating for, building, and managing, appropriate and accessible spaces for the arts in Edmonton. We recognise that appropriate art spaces are essential to creating dynamic, sustainable, and entrepreneurial artistic communities and we actively support the arts as a chosen career path.


Dynamic, sustainable, and entrepreneurial artistic communities thrive in the Edmonton area.


Appropriate and accessible art spaces are essential for thriving arts communities.


Arts Habitat is a social purpose enterprise engaged in identifying, managing, and building appropriate and accessible spaces for the arts in Edmonton and area.

Strategic Priorities

Arts Habitat will achieve its Vision and Mandate by actively pursuing three strategic priorities:

Building appropriate and accessible spaces for the arts.
Engaging the community and advocating for art spaces.
Developing organizational capacity and resilience.

The standard or quality directing Arts Habitat’s conduct and decision-making include:

Leadership – We will be part of the decision-making process for arts space development in Edmonton and area.

Sustainability – We focus on achieving a long-term impact and creating a legacy of arts spaces in the Edmonton area.

Collaboration – We build strong relationships, work with others, including Indigenous communities, and share our knowledge and expertise.

Inclusion – We support arts spaces and experiences that are welcoming, safe, and respectful of all.

Professional – We actively support the arts as a career path.

Expression – We champion artistic expression and experience; essential for a healthy community.

Creating Space for the Arts Brochure.

Learn about the Arts Habitat Team.

Read about the Arts Habitat Board. 

Annual Report 2023
Strategic Map 2024-2026