You are invited to a public Open House for the Zoning Bylaws draft amendments April 25, 2012
You are invited to an Open House on the proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw, which directly impact the ARTS.
Where and When: Wednesday May 09 4-7pm Kerr Room, Prince of Wales Armoury. Note that there is construction underway in front of the building. See the map for directions into the parking lot.
Purpose of this Open House: The purpose of this open house is to review and comment on the work that has been undertaken to date by the Bylaws and Licensing Units to amend bylaws that inadvertently inhibit arts activities in Edmonton.
Format: This is a come and go open house with City staff and stations to provide information on proposed changes to the Zoning Bylaw, and with opportunity for verbal and written feedback. Input received from the community will be reviewed and considered for inclusion. A final draft of the changes proposed will then go before Council with a recommendation for their approval. See the attached documents for your preliminary review: City’s Circulation and Proposed Changes.
Please come out to support this project and influence its outcome! Arts community attendance is critical both to underline the importance of the work, and to impact decisions being made.