Lauren Crazybull Kicks Off Her Residency
Lauren Crazybull kicked off her Residency by opening the doors to the McLuhan House studio for friends, family, and our neighbours to see where she would be spending her next year. As our Resident Artist, Lauren will have the use of the studio until June of 2019. Lauren understands that her creative power is a poignant way to assert her own humanity, and advocate, in diverse and subtle ways, for the innate intellectual, spiritual, creative and political fortitude of Indigenous people. She is well on her way to filling the world with art-making that she believes is more important than every. Lauren is an Edmonton-based Blackfoot Dene and has spent years mentoring youth. She is devoted to continuing her path as an independent artist and youth worker and hopes she will empower other Blackfoot and Indigenous young people through her passion; art. As an Indigenous women, Lauren feels her art is one way to deal with the complex nature of her wide range of emotions and she uses her gifts to help the rest of the world expand its understanding of justice, humanity, and love.
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