Monday Musing – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Arts Habitat values community engagement. Collaborating with others from city departments, post-secondary institutions, both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and individuals allow us to see a situation from a different angle and hear from a variety of people.
Whether engaging with a large or small gathering of people, it is not uncommon to find someone who knows an artist struggling to find appropriate and accessible space to practice. It is often through these conversations we can understand the barriers many face in finding effective, affordable, and sustainable arts space.
It is not only the arts organizations and individual artists we love talking with. We also value opportunities to connect with people from different industries who may have an entirely different perspective. In working with other not-for-profits, businesses, and the City of Edmonton, we can explore potential partnerships with those who are unaware of the need for arts space. Seeking out these relationships, we are encouraged by the innovation of many in our community.
The saying You don’t know what you don’t know comes to mind often when talking with others and there is no better way to find out what you don’t know, then by getting outside your comfort zone and trying something different. Not to say that sometimes the best way to do something isn’t the tried and true method, but one shouldn’t rule out looking outside norms. Non-traditional partnerships hold unexpected answers.
Looking for different avenues to explore often requires new tools or different ways of doing things. It can be difficult, complicated, and scary, to try alternative methods. As creatures of habit, most of us prefer familiar routines but sometimes a shift is needed.
Arts Habitat will continue to build upon and identify new opportunities and partnerships. We look forward to the innovative solutions these collaborations may offer for future arts space in Edmonton.