Arts Habitat values community engagement. Collaborating with others from city departments, post-secondary institutions, both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and individuals allow us to see a situation from a different angle…
Monday Musing – Goals, Planning, and Forging Ahead.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery Like many organizations, Arts Habitat spent time in 2019, setting goals and objectives and planning for future…
Monday Musing – Is A True Partnership Possible?
Today’s musing resulted after I read an article published in The Globe and Mail (Vancouver’s first city-owned studio space opens as arts facilities continue to close). I wondered what might…
Monday Musings – Advocate for Arts Space and Why We Engage.
Artists need purpose-built space to work, just as a mechanic or baker has unique needs when it comes to completing their tasks. Many of us can understand this requirement for…
Monday Musing – Why Arts Space Needs to be Purpose-Built.
Arts and culture facilities create vibrancy and inspire cities. An infrastructure that supports the arts and culture ecosystem of a community provides a way for us to tell our stories,…
Monday Musings – Creativity Inspires Innovation.
It has been proven over and over that arts are beneficial for lifting our mood, improving our mental health, boosting our brainpower, and also shown to enhance our physical health. There…
Dream of Better Arts-Based Space?
An Edmonton Southwest Community League Reaches Out to the Arts Community for Partners or Tenants in a NEW Building Project. Partners and tenants will be encouraged/expected to inform building design…
Cultivating Growth – Arts Habitat 10 Year Report
Artists require space in which to create, gather, perform, and to live. There are many disciplines within our artistic community that have different needs for creative space, and this all…
Historic Festival and Doors Open
Join us at McLuhan House Municipal Historic Resource and Centre for Art and Ideas Monday, July 4 to Saturday, July 9 between 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. 11342 64 ST,…
Potential Studio Space for Artist
Owner indicates they would like artists to use the space if possible. DETAILS: ADDRESS 12120 – 121a st. Includes : private bathroom, concrete floors, drive up door, 9’8″ ceiling 1465…